Saturday, September 12, 2009

Quick update

Dan is at the hospital tonight with Mia. I came home to spend some time with the boys and get out of the hospital for a night. Before I left she had a chest x-ray and her left lung seems to be clearing which is great news! There isn't any fluid around the lung which is good because she would have needed a chest tube to drain it. They will continue the treatments throughout the night and repeat another x-ray tommorow morning. The doctor actually said it looked better than expected! Praise God!

Off to spend time with the boys and hopefully get a good night's sleep!


Karin said...

I came over from Kim's blog and I just want to let you know that I will be praying for Mia. My daughter had a fontan in April, so I know what you are going through! HUGS!!

Musings from Kim K. said...

I pray that you were able to sleep tonight and that you hear wonderful news this morning. Please know that we'll be praying for Mia at mass today. Hugs!!