Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The pictures that did not make the cut

While we were at my sister's house for Thanksgiving I decided to have her take a family picture of us to include on our Christmas card. I thought this would be a quick and easy photo shoot after all we were going for a completely casual look. To say it was a disaster would be an understatement! Christian did not want to cooperate at all! Aren't family pictures suppose to get easier as your kids get older? We are planning on getting our family pictures professsionally done within the next couple of weeks but after this "trial run" I may rethink that idea! Out of probably 10-12 shots we only got one decent picture that I would consider using. I am also comtemplating not sending out Christmas cards this year. I am feeling a bit unmotivated at the moment so we will have to see what happens. The idea of having to go through another Christmas card photo shot makes me want to cringe.

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