Monday, October 29, 2007

Trick or Treating

Yesterday was trick or treating for the boys. I was worried we would be trick or treating in the rain but it was a perfect fall day! My SIL and nephew Brock came to our house to go trick or treating with the boys and then we went to grandma's house. We both have pretty big neighborhoods so the boys ended up with five BIG bags of candy in all! The mean mom that I am (as they so nicely put it) only allows them to keep one bowl of candy so the rest of it went to work with Dan. If we keep all that candy we would be eating it until next Halloween!

The rule in our house has always been nothing too scary. This is becoming harder and harder to do each year as they get older. For the last two years it has been a struggle especially with Ethan. In the end we have come to a compromise but I am committed to sticking to a scary free house.


Kimberly said...

Great costumes! Sounds like the boys did very well in getting candy. I must be a mean mom to because I only allow so many pieces of candy at certain times and usually send the rest to work with Joe. Haha!

Donna said...

Hi Melinda! Why did they trick or treat early?
Funny, I have the same problem with MY Ethan. He's the one who wants to be scary (he's a hologram skeleton this year, per daddy's approval), but I too draw the line at making our house spooky!